Surf ministieries
Christian Surfers global portal
Hit the link and it will take you to the global landing page - scroll down till you find the map. There you can find all the CS counties listed - CS Is one of the best starting place for mission and surf ministries
United Kingdom & Europe
Name: Surf and English - Audrey Harrison
We teach English and surfing at summer camps for kids
Country: France
City/Town: Biarritz
Email: audreysharrison@gmail.com
Name: La Ruche -
We teach music, creative arts, surfing
Country: France
City/Town: Biarritz
Email: laruchebiarritz@gmail.com
South Africa
Name: Aleph- Rehgert van Zyl
We teach Leadership through surfing
Country: South Africa
City/Town: J-bay
Email: info@alephsurf.org
Name: Local Motion - Sabrina
We teach Leadership skills through surfing and outdoor sports
Country: South Africa
City/Town: George
Email: info@localmotion.org.za
Name: Surf leadership Initiative - Kelly Medley
We teach Leadership skills through surfing
Country: South Africa
City/Town: Jbay - WavePoint Church
Email: belong@wavepoint.church
Name: 9 Mile Project - Nigel Savel
Life empowerment for vulnerable youth
Country: South Africa
City/Town: Cape Town
Email: nigel@9milesproject.org